Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Extract 3

Here it is! Extract 3! Fuck Lobster Boy! Enjoy!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Inkblot 1 Update

So I've been wanting to put out more free comix like I did in 2004-2006 but i wanted to do it right this time. I hatched out a name for the project and started sketching away on stories. Inkblot sorta hit the mark when it came to a name of the project.I went online and googled the name to make sure I wasn't biting off someone else. Luckily I was in the clear.I'm posting the cover of the first issue and some rough pages for looking over at your discretion. I expect the project to be done by mid October.(Print-wise anyway)I expect it to be 16 pages long BW, but due to my failure to correctly grasp mathematics it may be longer. But I don't expect it to be. I made it 4 short stories each, the last being a continuation. I know you will not be disappointed. I can't wait to get a scanner.

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Friday, September 04, 2009

We're Back!

This time (No Shit!)
I aint going no where! I promise to all yallz to bring the best art,comix,designs that I can produce. i aint bullshittin' and pulling punches! It's gonna be real. Are you ready? Cuz here we go!